Saturday, September 6, 2008

I was beyond nervous

for my date last night. I mean, seeing someone who you had a "fling" with two years ago, having things end in an awkward manner, not seeing them for two years and finally deciding to meet up is kind of scary. Or is it just me? Bryce and I met at a party one night and we ended up having an intrest in each other for quite some time. Then things ended on a bad note. I wasn't devistated at all. I would avoid him at all costs and lie to him so I wouldn't have to hang out with him. For these past couple of months, Bryce and I have been texting and calling each other and catching up on old times. We decided last week that we would meet up this Friday and go on a date. So we did. I never realized how much I actually missed him. Yes, we are just friends now and nothing more. Nothing will ever become more of us because we are two different people now, but have decided to stay really good friends. It was so nice to see him and just be able to catch up and talk about what happend between us and get a full understanding of how the other feels. Getting connected with someone who you used to be so close to and then fell apart can be a pretty amazing experience. Although I will admit, I was freaking out before our little meet up. I text Samir and Brady and asked Anthony on facebook, if they were to of had a "fling" with me two years ago, and havn't seen me since, would they be disappointed in the way I turned out? Would they of thought that I turned out for the good or the bad? Suprisingly, all of them said they wouldn't be disappointed, which was a relief. Brady made me cry with the things that he said because they were so sweet and at the moment, it was exactly what I needed to hear. Sounds pathetic I know. I talked to Kristin telling her how I felt as if my stomach was going to explode because I had the butterflies like crazy. I couldn't sit still, I couldn't think straight, I danced around all night as if I had ants crawling all over my body. Haha it was pretty funny.

On our date, we went to the Planiterium (spelling?). It was pretty awesome- Strange, but awesome. We laughed pretty much the whole night, and then we were trying to decide what to do next, buuut wouldn't figure out anything so we just went back to my house. We watched a couple of videos on YouTube, joked around and listened to music. It was the cutest thing- a "romantic" song- as you will - came on my Itunes and he walked out into the middle of the floor, taking my hand and we slow danced to the song..well only for about a minute because we both realized how cheesy it was. To be honest, I enjoyed it. I've never had someone do that with me before and it was pretty darn cute. He left my house around 1:30 and I ended up going to sleep. It was an awesome night, alot better then what I had expected.

So I'm sitting here at work. By myself. It's pretty boring. I came here with the intentions of writing this long blog because I had so much to talk about. My mind has gone blank. Plans for tonight? Well there are none. Everybody seems to be going to the Utes game, which I am excited for all of them to go to, and I hope we kick the trash out of UNLV. They don't deserve to win. So anyway, if you don't have plans tonight, let me know and I'll hit you up and we can playyy!? If I don't have plans tonight, I should actually stay home and clean up the house and my ROOM!! It's a disaster I must say, which is unusal because My room is a pretty clean place most of the time. I am just never home anymore to keep it that way. Bleeeeh. If you want to play though, You should still hit me up!
Wait Wait Wait.....there is one thing I am doing tonight which I am SOOOO EXCITED FOR!!!
SLEEP OVER WITH BESTIE!!!!!!!!!! I have so much to tell her!!! Oh my goodness! Hahaha

Oh, so yesterday while I was at work, this doctor came in and started asking me questions about all my peace signs that I wear. Then she asked me if I was voting for Obama..uuhhh, first off I hate talking politics with people because they sit there and judge you for who you're voting for, it turns out to be a huge argument between the two if you're not voting for the same person and it's not something I believe your own personal opinion should be kept to yourself. I'll be honest, I havn't done much research on either sides, but I will eventually. I kind of have an Idea of who I would like to vote for and I have my many reasons for doing so. There's just a few things about the other Canidate that drives me insane and makes me believe that he has no respect for our Country. Anyway, This doctor kept rambling on about how Obama is the best canidate for this reason and that reason, and just kept going on and on and on. She made me feel like a freaking loser because I am leaning more towards Mccain. I finally told her that I don't feel like discussing politics because it's none of her buisness who I am voting for and my reasons of doing so. If you feel like asking who I am voting for- warning, You'll get the same response as she did. I'm not going to tell you and discuss it with you. I will admit, I love Anthony's idea of having Godzilla as our president..baaahhahahah just kidding.

Well that's all for now. I have to get back to work. Love you. Peace

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Ahhhh last night was sooo fun!!!! I love you! Baha, we just have some of the best adventures EVER!